Sunday, 8 January 2012

A Brand New Year

No one tells you time passes by so quickly when you are working..I remember when I was studying and in school, the year will crawl by and then school holidays seem too short all the time. When I started working, I have no time to take leave and each holiday I will be bringing my laptop now iPad along to be contactable and reply emails. At the start of every year, I will already see the end of it. With every passing Christmas, I will think the next one will come before I know it and it always does! No this is not another "I am getting old" post but to reflect on the past year and make the next better.

2011 is an eventful year for many and in my own ways, here's how it has been eventful for me:
  • Sold my first wedding cake and perhaps the last time I baked. I think.
  • More involved than previous elections, I went to rallies, listened to news both on and offline and casted my first vote in my life (it has always been a walkover where I stayed in the past) and a second time during the Presidential Election.
  • Visited my dream country - Italy. Not for shopping but for photography. I love the Roman ruins and the architecture! It's a photographer's paradise!
  • Travelled to Bangkok with the bestie, a shopping trip for both of us and it was great fun!
  • Finally climbed (albeit a small section) of the Great Wall of China.
  • Went back to school again - doing a postgrad certificate - but am not missing the presentations and report writing. :(
  • Became an Apple convert. Well I have always been a fan but this year I added the iPad and iPhone to my list. Friends always know me to be a BlackBerry fan (I named my BB PinkBerry) and how I rave about it but I have officially crossed over to the dark side. :)
That's all I can remember for now. I am not one who makes new year resolutions for the fact (fear) I don't complete them but there are definitely some plans / milestones I hope to accomplish in the new year.

This is the year of the dragon and I made my yearly visit to Chinatown during the Chinese New Year (CNY) period. I shall let the pictures speak for themselves.


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