2011 is an eventful year for many and in my own ways, here's how it has been eventful for me:
- Sold my first wedding cake and perhaps the last time I baked. I think.
- More involved than previous elections, I went to rallies, listened to news both on and offline and casted my first vote in my life (it has always been a walkover where I stayed in the past) and a second time during the Presidential Election.
- Visited my dream country - Italy. Not for shopping but for photography. I love the Roman ruins and the architecture! It's a photographer's paradise!
- Travelled to Bangkok with the bestie, a shopping trip for both of us and it was great fun!
- Finally climbed (albeit a small section) of the Great Wall of China.
- Went back to school again - doing a postgrad certificate - but am not missing the presentations and report writing. :(
- Became an Apple convert. Well I have always been a fan but this year I added the iPad and iPhone to my list. Friends always know me to be a BlackBerry fan (I named my BB PinkBerry) and how I rave about it but I have officially crossed over to the dark side. :)
That's all I can remember for now. I am not one who makes new year resolutions for the fact (fear) I don't complete them but there are definitely some plans / milestones I hope to accomplish in the new year.
This is the year of the dragon and I made my yearly visit to Chinatown during the Chinese New Year (CNY) period. I shall let the pictures speak for themselves.
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