Monday, 4 October 2010

You know that you need a break...

when your body breaks has been a super tiring past few weeks so far. Sleeping at 4-5am and waking up at 8ish with 3-4 hours of sleep a couple of times and working 7 days a week is not doing it for me...I am most of time physically tired but mentally active trying to remember the outstanding things to do. Sleeping late and not having sufficient rest has given me a sore throat, cough, running nose and backache. Most of all, I have lost my sense of taste. :( I love to eat and losing my sense of taste...Hmm... :( Haa I think I am getting old...I used to be able to do a million things and still be fine. Trying to turn in earlier today so that I can get back to work tomorrow so shall keep this post as short as possible. Let the pictures do the talking. :)

Some 2 weeks ago, Thea messaged me and asked if I can do the same cupcakes I made for Lena for her colleague's birthday. I was super excited and smiling from ear to ear!! I have cake orders this month and in Jan next year but this was THE first order. Seriously, I have never sold cakes in my life, I have always baked for family and friends...though it has always been my dream to one day sell my bakes. I had to manage her expectations and kept telling her this is the first order and I really hope it taste ok. Decorations aside, I was really concerned about how the cupcakes taste and the texture and everything. I have done this recipe many times but putting buttercream on it was the first.

I waited all day for Thea to message me on how it turned out and I am happy to hear that everyone likes the cuppies. Comments were "nice and spongy" and "nice and yummy" and I am glad that the first order was successful. :) Thanks Thea for being my first customer and making this little faraway dream of mine comes true.

If you would like to order these, leave a message and I will get back to you. :)

On the way out on Saturday evening, we saw these on the bright blue sky...kites! There is a huge kite flying community here...look at the number of kites!

Anyway we decided to hit town on Saturday since it has been months from when we last went. Orchard Road if you haven't been there in recent months has changed so much, so much more colourful with new buildings, new shops and new facade everywhere. The latest addition is Knightsbridge.

Went to the wholesaler recently and stocked up on my Pocky supply!! :)


Have a good week...I hope I get well enough tomorrow to go to work.


iwhip.iwok.icraft said...

Thanks Jane. Yes it was painful to swallow. :( Now the running nose wouldn't stop. Will try the cough syrup - I have that at home. Thanks :)

Kelly said...

U poor thing! Sounds like u need a break indeed! The cupcakes look fantastic! And wow, Singapore looks so different! Knightsbridge sounds very london-esque!~

iwhip.iwok.icraft said...

Thanks! :)

Yup Orchard Road looks very different these days, starting to feel like those big cities shopping belt! Hehe we shall hit the shops when you are back...with the little one in tow of course. :)

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