Sunday, 21 March 2010

A year older

The weather is rather erratic these days, it was scorching on one day (sometimes I just feel like taking mid day showers after lunch) and rainy on the other like today. I am not complaining about the rain though. I love rainy Sundays where I can just relax with a cuppa in my hand and magazine on the other.

I have been eating soooo much over the past week that no amount of exercise or running will be enough to work the extra calories off! I am thankful and grateful for the sweetest people around me who have surprised me with birthday greetings, cakes, pressies and treats! Thanks for remembering my birthday. I am not a big birthday party person and every birthday just feels the same to me but it is the special people around me that made it special for me.

Thanks Hui for the surprise cupcakes! You never fail to bring that smile on my face year after year even though you are so far away.

Thanks to the lovely people at work for the treat and cake (I forgot to take a picture of the entire cake - here's the piece I had).

A birthday cake from KS, celebrated with the family.

Thanks Sis for the deliciously good birthday cake!

It's a yearly tradition that my mom and MIL will make the mee sua for my birthday and I love it!

Of all the pressies that I receive every year, one of them is definitely a baking book. Here's one more to my library of cookbooks. :)

I was listening to Class 95 Cartunes the other day and the DJs spoke about 3 things that made them smile so I thought I shall attempt to add this to my posts from now on. So here it goes, the 3 things that made me smile today:
  1. I woke up to a breakfast bought by KS and get to eat it in the comfort of my house with the lovely rainy weather outside.
  2. I skyped with the bestie an hour ago and saw how much my dear godson has grown since I last saw him in Dec last year. He's 4 months old, measures 60cm and weighs 6kg.
  3. The rainy weather today!
What are the 3 things that made you smile today? Make a list too!

Have a great week ahead!


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