Saturday, 2 January 2010

Spring Cleaning

Happy New Year everyone! It's the first day of the new year and a decade after the millennium which seems like yesterday. I still remember vividly the countdown at Orchard Road and how we walked back from Orchard Road to Redhill in the wee hours of the day. How time flies! Anyway instead of the usual new year resolutions post on the new year, I shall put that off for a little while longer because I haven't exactly thought about them yet.

Over the last few days of 2009, KS and I decided that we should do some spring-cleaning and tidy up the house. Can you believe that the things I brought over from my mom's place since I moved in here in 2008 were still in boxes? Well, time to clear out some unwanted stuff and organise the storeroom...and so we did! I found some really old stuff in the boxes:

1. Report Books

2. Autograph Books - I guess we have one or two of these at some point in our lives - I can't remember how many I have but it's interesting to flip through them now and read the comments that your friends left you. Below is a page written by my bestie when we were 16 and it kinda put a smile to my face at the comments we wrote! =) Haa it will be interesting if someone can show me a page I wrote when I was 16.

3. Health Booklet - I don't know whether they still have this now but each of us has one when we were 7 (primary 1) and it records things like our height, weight, eye sight, teeth condition, etc.

4. Result Slips

5. School Selection Slips - you know the confirmation slips you received after you have chosen which schools you want to enter?

6. Lecture Notes / Books - err.. my notes were from JC to Uni. I still can't bear to throw them away because they are neatly bound into booklets.. ;)

7. Soft Toys - accumulated over the years, 4 big boxes of them!

8. Coke Cans - from all over the world, different shapes and sizes.

9. Two Old Palm PDAs - gadgets will always remain my soft spot. You can ask KS, whenever I have a new gadget, my face will light up and I will spend hours exploring it.

10. Foreign Currencies - coins from all over the world.

11. Paper Bags - told KS to remind me to bring along a recyclable bag the next time I go shopping, threw away at least 2-3 big bags of them!

12. Wrapping Paper - you won't believe how many I have collected over the years, I love wrapping paper and how it adds that special touch to each packaging but I have thrown some away as they have turned yellow over the years and simply because I have no space for them anymore. =(

13. Ribbons - needless to explain as you can see from my previous posts about my love (addiction) for them.

14. Canvasses / Acrylic Paint
- when I moved over here, I wanted to do some paintings for the house instead of buying them - started with one but never complete it. =(

15. Cross Stitch and Leftover Threads - I used to like doing cross stitch when I was 14? I had this beautiful Precious Moments design cross stitch which I have been putting off to the next and next and next school holiday but never complete it because whenever the school holiday arrived, there were always new and more fun things to do. =p

16. More Art and Crafts stuff

17. Cooking Books / Recipes

18. Gifts - from birthday to Christmas, I have kept them all...

19. Cards / Letters - birthday cards, Christmas cards, new year cards, etc. Haa before the Internet and email age, we still rely very much on snail mail and I love that special touch and effort that were put into writing each letter.

20. Photo Albums - I used to spend a lot of time putting them together, keeping things like air tickets, train tickets, theme park entry passes, etc. but unfortunately I don't have the time to do them anymore. =( All the photos remain in softcopies in my comp.

21. Post Cards - my friends and I used to collect tonnes and tonnes of post cards from advertisements to movies...

22. And the list goes on...

I have cleared many things I used to collect because I no longer have space for them but there are a few things that I will never stop adding to my collection and they are:

1. Art and Crafts (that includes paper, fabric, ribbons, craft punch, stamps, markers, cardboards, stickers, art and crafts books, etc.)

2. Cooking Books / Bakingware (cookie cutters, pans, etc.)

3. Photography Books / Camera Equipment

4. Gadgets

Well, that's all for now. I hope my next spring cleaning will be less tedious than this one but before I can officially say "spring cleaning is over", I have to clear out some old clothes, bags and shoes! I will try to take some pictures if I remember to during the process. =)

Till the next post, I would like to wish everyone a fantabulous new year filled with surprises, happiness, joy, success and good health!


Corsage@A Dollop Of Me said...

I totally hear you with this post! I am STILL regularly moving things out from my old room although I moved out in early 2007 =P Mum has just given me an ultimatum (again) so I'll have to clear out sometime this month! Pity there just isn't enough space in my apartment :( Argh!! Don't you wish we had more space?

iwhip.iwok.icraft said...

Hehe yes I constantly tell KS that I need a bigger kitchen and a bigger craft room! With the extremely limited space, I have no choice but to keep only the most precious and throw out the rest. =(

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