Hmm, why am I starting yet another blog you may ask? I am inspired by the many baking blogs that I have seen and can't help but start my own. I love to bake (some cooking when requested by my husband, KS, who doesn't like cakes, cookies and all things except his softdrinks and ice-kachang) and see the smile on people's faces when they eat the things I baked or when they go "wow" (err..not very often but yes I am trying to improve as I journey through my baking expedition every weekend or whenever I find time..e.g. when I am on leave).
Baking is a form of relaxation for me..a sense of joy and satisfaction. Through baking I can cultivate my creativity (and whatever left of it) from decorating cakes to presenting the cakes for my small photoshoot to packaging. =) Besides baking yummy cakes, I believe that presentation and packaging are key to getting that "wow" and seeing happy faces. =D
I thank the people who have given me unwavering support and have been my "guinea pigs" yet always give the same smile after every bite. =)
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